So, this is a picture of a football. Eventhough, we only have 8 guys in our class but it is enough for them to participate in a football competition organized by our seniors, IPKB-UITM Cohort 5. It was on the 17th January 2008. All of us went to the field and gave them full support and motivation. We didn't win of course but it was fun for all us. The guys really had done their best. Well done boys!!!
Do you want to see them in action? Watch this.
Well, what about the girls? The girls also participated in the competition but not in football.. of course.We played netball on the 18th January 2008. It was a fantastic experience! We competed with all of TESLian in IPKB. We went face to face with Cohort 1, Cohort 4 and Cohort 5. We didn't win also.. But as always, we had a blast!
Do you want to see us in action? Enjoy this video
In the second semester of our two year foundation program, our Co-Curricular Activities (CCCA) was softball. Mr. Aziz bin Jaafar who teaches us for this subject. We learned how to catch, pitch, throw, batting and running from the first base until we reach HOME.
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